(Please scroll down for Assignments and Best of Best Student Galleries)

Everything needed for this class will be posted on TEAMS and eventually here on our class website under Recent Assignments:
Best of class videos for each assignment will also be posted in Galleries on the right and Assignments in PDF's on the left.. Assignments will additionally be posted on Aeries. Please see my comments on your work in Aeries. Your grades are based mostly on the proven effort you give it. Meet your deadlines, late work will lower your grade by 10 points for each week it's late. Late work will not be accepted beyond 4 weeks from due date. Expect a new video assignment every 2-3 weeks.

Videos will be turned in and uploaded here only:
Students may use school provided Adobe Premiere video editing software along with other online software programs like InShot - a free phone video editing app to create video projects and presentations.

Live class lessons on Teams will take place at the beginning of class. Don't be late! Your computer camera needs to be on with your face showing at all times during lessons. Students receive 100 points for participation each semester, and lose those points for unexcused absences and breaking class rules. Students should contact me through Teams. Parents may email me here:

Primarily to start we will be using the school's PLP Class Curriculum "Exploring Cinema". This should hopefully be made available to students on 8/31/20. Preview this for now here:

Plagiarism Policy: You will receive a permanent 0 for any plagiarized work. Copying or allowing someone to copy work, sharing information regarding quiz content, taking someone else's videos and passing them on as one's own (plagiarism), is not permitted at any time.